Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Don’t minimize sin in your life.

Man has a terrible problem of minimizing sin! Sin is nothing to play around with in the eyes of God! JC Ryle said this about man and his sin: “The astonishing proneness of men to regard sin as less sinful and dangerous than it is in the sight of God, and in their readiness to extenuate it, make excuses for it, and minimize it’s guilt. They show that men try to cheat themselves into the belief that sin is not quite so sinful as God says it is--and that they are not so bad as they really are.”

Boy oh boy do we live in a time that makes so many excuses for sin or just down right says sin is not sin. When we do that we are saying we are GOD! That my friends is a dangerous place to be!

So what do we do? God tells us:

Hebrews 3:13 but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

PRAY! Pray everyday for one another. Pray now, today! Why? So that we will not become hardened, or insensitive to sin and be deceived into thinking that there is no harm in sin! Wow! Talk about a verse right on the money for what we are talking about!

Sin is the opposite of God’s holiness. He desires us to be holy so be on the look out at all times for sin trying to creep into your life and then tricking you into thinking it is not a big deal because it is!


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