Today is the day we set aside to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom.
John 15:13
13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
Heavenly Father I thank you today for my friends who have served this great nation of ours. I thank you for the ones who are serving now all over the world and ask your protection upon them. I thank you for the ones who have made the ultimate sacrifice for me and my family. As I look around the world and see how others have to live because they are not free, I praise you for the men and women who put themselves in harms way so that we can live in the land of the free. God I also lift up the families to you this morning of those who have lost loved ones in service to our country, may you give them a peace beyond our understanding. Also be with the families of those who have their loved ones out in the field serving right now. Thank you Jesus for giving the ultimate sacrifice for mankinds sins so that whoever believes in you will have everlasting life.
God bless our troops and God bless America.
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Way to life!
Many want to tell us today how to have a good life. Here is the key to true life from God!
Proverbs 12:28
28 In the way of righteousness is life,
And in its pathway there is no death.
So what does God say? Righteousness! That is what leads to life. How do we obtain this righteousness? There is only one way...Jesus Christ. Ask Him to be Lord and Savior of our life and the follow Him. John 14:6 says "I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me." You see my friends as the rest of this verse goes on to tell us that when we have righteousness through Christ we have no death because as soon as we pass on from this life we step into everlasting life in heaven with Jesus for ever and ever! It don't get any better than that!
So let me ask you you have the way to true life? You can! Just ask Jesus into your heart today!
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and Thank You to those who have given their lives for our Freedom!
Proverbs 12:28
28 In the way of righteousness is life,
And in its pathway there is no death.
So what does God say? Righteousness! That is what leads to life. How do we obtain this righteousness? There is only one way...Jesus Christ. Ask Him to be Lord and Savior of our life and the follow Him. John 14:6 says "I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me." You see my friends as the rest of this verse goes on to tell us that when we have righteousness through Christ we have no death because as soon as we pass on from this life we step into everlasting life in heaven with Jesus for ever and ever! It don't get any better than that!
So let me ask you you have the way to true life? You can! Just ask Jesus into your heart today!
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and Thank You to those who have given their lives for our Freedom!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Treat your animals right!
This is a straight to the point kind of verse:
Proverbs 12:10
10 A righteous man regards the life of his animal,
But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
God is telling us in this verse that a righteous man will treat his animals well. It is a shame to see folks mistreat animals. I have seen some horrible stories in recent months on the news. Horses starving to death, dogs starving and needing medical treatment, and even a place that is suppose to be safe for animal shelter not taking care of the very sad. Even though it is sad God takes it even further by saying if you are right with Him this won't happen with your animals. A righteous man will take good care of his animals! Then God describes how the mercy of the wicked is to animals...cruel. That is exactly what people are when they mistreat animals....cruel!
So this morning let us remember our responsibilities with another one of God's creations...animals! Treat them well!
Proverbs 12:10
10 A righteous man regards the life of his animal,
But the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
God is telling us in this verse that a righteous man will treat his animals well. It is a shame to see folks mistreat animals. I have seen some horrible stories in recent months on the news. Horses starving to death, dogs starving and needing medical treatment, and even a place that is suppose to be safe for animal shelter not taking care of the very sad. Even though it is sad God takes it even further by saying if you are right with Him this won't happen with your animals. A righteous man will take good care of his animals! Then God describes how the mercy of the wicked is to animals...cruel. That is exactly what people are when they mistreat animals....cruel!
So this morning let us remember our responsibilities with another one of God's creations...animals! Treat them well!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Good wife, bad wife.
God explains to us the difference between a good wife and a bad wife this morning:
Proverbs 12:4
4 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
I came this morning giving God the glory as He has blessed me with a good wife. There is no doubt she is the crown of me and I am very undeserving of her. You have heard people say "you have married up". I answer I sure have! I said I have a good wife but as I look at this verse I will upgrade to God's Word and say she is even better than that she is excellent. So what does it take to be a good wife. Read proverbs 31 and it will help explain what God expects wives to be. Ladies I encourage you to read that chapter and try to form your life around what God's word defines as a good wife and keep Jesus first at all times!
The second part of this verse is not so fun to talk about. A wife who causes her husband shame will hurt him deeply. What could cause this shame? Again read proverbs 31 and not doing these things can. For example a house wife that doesn't keep a clean house, or does not take good care of the children, or cheats on her husband, or talks bad about him and the list can go on and on. Now when a wife works as in our day, men don't expect her to do all the house work, or all the care for the children, we have a responsibility in that too!
So brothers and sisters...God's word has spoken again, if you are reading this ladies and you feel more like the bad wife it is never too late to turn over a new leaf and do the right thing! If you are a good wife, praise the Lord and keep up the good work! Men let your good wife know it because you are blessed!
Proverbs 12:4
4 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
I came this morning giving God the glory as He has blessed me with a good wife. There is no doubt she is the crown of me and I am very undeserving of her. You have heard people say "you have married up". I answer I sure have! I said I have a good wife but as I look at this verse I will upgrade to God's Word and say she is even better than that she is excellent. So what does it take to be a good wife. Read proverbs 31 and it will help explain what God expects wives to be. Ladies I encourage you to read that chapter and try to form your life around what God's word defines as a good wife and keep Jesus first at all times!
The second part of this verse is not so fun to talk about. A wife who causes her husband shame will hurt him deeply. What could cause this shame? Again read proverbs 31 and not doing these things can. For example a house wife that doesn't keep a clean house, or does not take good care of the children, or cheats on her husband, or talks bad about him and the list can go on and on. Now when a wife works as in our day, men don't expect her to do all the house work, or all the care for the children, we have a responsibility in that too!
So brothers and sisters...God's word has spoken again, if you are reading this ladies and you feel more like the bad wife it is never too late to turn over a new leaf and do the right thing! If you are a good wife, praise the Lord and keep up the good work! Men let your good wife know it because you are blessed!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Need a favor?
I don't know about you but I can use all the favor from the Lord I can get....check this verse out:
Proverbs 12:2
2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD,
But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn.
So the question is how do I obtain favor from the Lord? By being a good man. So how do you become a good man? By being obiedient to God's Word. Again as I state so often, this is why we must be in God's Word. A man or women can not be all God wants them to be if they are not reading His Word often and spending time in prayer. It is just impossible without these two elements in one's life. Of course this is assuming that one has already asked Jesus into his life because without that taking place you will not be a good man in God's eyes! Once you have done these things then it is all about you! You have to choose everyday to follow God. I think of that when I got up I had a choice to do God's will or to do Tom's is up to me and it is up to you!
The second part of this verse is very interesting. Read closely. It says a man of "wicked intentions"....just the thought of doing wicked and God will condemn! Wow. I believe this tells us we even have to control our minds. This is a stern warning from God about self-controll.
Church we need to grasp on to the teachings of our Lord. Most of it is very simple but yet vey important as in this we want to find favor with the Lord or do we want to find is our choice!
God bless you my friends!
Proverbs 12:2
2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD,
But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn.
So the question is how do I obtain favor from the Lord? By being a good man. So how do you become a good man? By being obiedient to God's Word. Again as I state so often, this is why we must be in God's Word. A man or women can not be all God wants them to be if they are not reading His Word often and spending time in prayer. It is just impossible without these two elements in one's life. Of course this is assuming that one has already asked Jesus into his life because without that taking place you will not be a good man in God's eyes! Once you have done these things then it is all about you! You have to choose everyday to follow God. I think of that when I got up I had a choice to do God's will or to do Tom's is up to me and it is up to you!
The second part of this verse is very interesting. Read closely. It says a man of "wicked intentions"....just the thought of doing wicked and God will condemn! Wow. I believe this tells us we even have to control our minds. This is a stern warning from God about self-controll.
Church we need to grasp on to the teachings of our Lord. Most of it is very simple but yet vey important as in this we want to find favor with the Lord or do we want to find is our choice!
God bless you my friends!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Love correction!
Do you like to be corrected? I think our pride gets in the way when someone corrects us with some good instruction and it becomes hard for us to receive the correction. Look at this verse:
Proverbs 12:1
Proverbs 12
1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
When I was younger I hated to read and didn't want anyone to tell me anything, because as most teenagers think, I thought I had all the answers. Boy as I have grown older I have found out how dumb I really was. I like to read now and I like being taught new things...only problem is now I can't remember anything...haha! God in His Word is teaching us a very simple principle here. If we are teachable and like to learn we will gain much knowledge. I think this is really applies to the Word of God. I can not tell you how many times over the years I have been corrected on the interpitation of scripture. If we have the attitude of I already know everything then we really hinder our learning and our usefullness to God. Look at the second part of this verse....if you hate correction you are stupid!!! Wow that is too the point huh? We must always be teachable... just make sure the one teaching is lining up with what the sciptures say as God's Word warns us of false teachings too!
So if you have a hard time being corrected you better look hard at this verse today!
Pray for each other....we all can use it!
Proverbs 12:1
Proverbs 12
1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,
But he who hates correction is stupid.
When I was younger I hated to read and didn't want anyone to tell me anything, because as most teenagers think, I thought I had all the answers. Boy as I have grown older I have found out how dumb I really was. I like to read now and I like being taught new things...only problem is now I can't remember anything...haha! God in His Word is teaching us a very simple principle here. If we are teachable and like to learn we will gain much knowledge. I think this is really applies to the Word of God. I can not tell you how many times over the years I have been corrected on the interpitation of scripture. If we have the attitude of I already know everything then we really hinder our learning and our usefullness to God. Look at the second part of this verse....if you hate correction you are stupid!!! Wow that is too the point huh? We must always be teachable... just make sure the one teaching is lining up with what the sciptures say as God's Word warns us of false teachings too!
So if you have a hard time being corrected you better look hard at this verse today!
Pray for each other....we all can use it!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Reward will come.
This verse is one for all to think very hard on:
Proverbs 11:31
31 If the righteous will be recompensed on the earth,
How much more the ungodly and the sinner.
One of the first things in this proverb I noticed is the word if. Now there is no doubt that God blessed me way more than I deserve. I think many of us who have called on the Lord can say that. I also believe that many who have never called on the Lord to be Savior suffer greatly in life beccause they never expirience the true peace that is found only in Jesus. BUT back to the word if. If implies a question doesn't it? The Bible teaches that this place called earth that we dwell on now is a temporary home. When we look at eternity, our life on earth is just a vapor. The Bible clearly teaches that our reward will come when we as Christians dwell with our heavenly Father in heaven. So if that is when our great rewards will come think about the opposite end of the spectrum. How much more will the punishment be for the ungodly and the sinner who has never repented and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of their life. It is not a pretty picture...weeping and nashing of teeth, eternal torment, lonliness, pain and suffering....oh my lost friends surrender to Jesus today!
When we thing about that it should push to the front of our minds the importance of telling everyone the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Have a great weekend!
Proverbs 11:31
31 If the righteous will be recompensed on the earth,
How much more the ungodly and the sinner.
One of the first things in this proverb I noticed is the word if. Now there is no doubt that God blessed me way more than I deserve. I think many of us who have called on the Lord can say that. I also believe that many who have never called on the Lord to be Savior suffer greatly in life beccause they never expirience the true peace that is found only in Jesus. BUT back to the word if. If implies a question doesn't it? The Bible teaches that this place called earth that we dwell on now is a temporary home. When we look at eternity, our life on earth is just a vapor. The Bible clearly teaches that our reward will come when we as Christians dwell with our heavenly Father in heaven. So if that is when our great rewards will come think about the opposite end of the spectrum. How much more will the punishment be for the ungodly and the sinner who has never repented and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of their life. It is not a pretty picture...weeping and nashing of teeth, eternal torment, lonliness, pain and suffering....oh my lost friends surrender to Jesus today!
When we thing about that it should push to the front of our minds the importance of telling everyone the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Are you a soul winner???
For those of us who either don't or who get lazy at winning souls for Jesus check this verse out:
Proverbs 11:30
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise.
The first part of this verse talks about our fruit of righteousness and how it leads to a tree of life. The tree of life is eternal life and we will see it in heaven one day if we have accepted Christ as our Savior. When we look at it as being fruit, we get that fruit by winning souls as told in the sceond part of this verse. So check your fruit tree. Is it bear or it it full of fruit? I believe we are going to be rewarded for all the folks we share Jesus with. God's Word tells us that we are to plant the seeds and the rest is up to Him and the person we share Christ with. Look at what God tells us in the last part of the verse. One who wins souls is wise. God tells us this for a reason. Think of how important it is to try and win folks to Jesus. It has eternal consequences. Can you imagine what it will be like to get to heaven and see some one who is there because you took the time to tell them about Jesus? WOW Then you look over to Jesus and see the smile on His face because of your faithfulness of sharing about Him!!! I would say that winning that soul was a wise thing to do wouldn't you???
So how has your wisdom been recently in winning souls? I better get to working a little harder what about you?
Tell someone about Jesus today...God will put someone in your path to do so I promise!
Proverbs 11:30
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who wins souls is wise.
The first part of this verse talks about our fruit of righteousness and how it leads to a tree of life. The tree of life is eternal life and we will see it in heaven one day if we have accepted Christ as our Savior. When we look at it as being fruit, we get that fruit by winning souls as told in the sceond part of this verse. So check your fruit tree. Is it bear or it it full of fruit? I believe we are going to be rewarded for all the folks we share Jesus with. God's Word tells us that we are to plant the seeds and the rest is up to Him and the person we share Christ with. Look at what God tells us in the last part of the verse. One who wins souls is wise. God tells us this for a reason. Think of how important it is to try and win folks to Jesus. It has eternal consequences. Can you imagine what it will be like to get to heaven and see some one who is there because you took the time to tell them about Jesus? WOW Then you look over to Jesus and see the smile on His face because of your faithfulness of sharing about Him!!! I would say that winning that soul was a wise thing to do wouldn't you???
So how has your wisdom been recently in winning souls? I better get to working a little harder what about you?
Tell someone about Jesus today...God will put someone in your path to do so I promise!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Think about what this verse is telling us this morning:
Proverbs 11:24
24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
Money and the accumulation of things has consumed us hasn't it? Have you ever given money or something to someone who is in need and felt the blessing that it brings. I have found many times that giving away my time to someone in need blesses me more than it does the person I have helped! I believe that is what this verse is telling us this morning. Brothers and sisters when we scatter our time, money and resources to others who are in need we are promised a blessing of increase. I have even found this to be true in giving our tithe to the Lord. In my younger years I didn't think I could afford to tithe 10% but I found quickly that God takes care of those who are obiedient. It did not add up on paper but I always had enough to pay the bills. Look at the promise on the other side of the fence. If we don't give like we are suppose leads to poverty. It leads to poverty most importantly spiritually as God tells us to store our riches up in heaven and if we are not scattering as he advises then we are not storing anything up in heaven!!! Think about that!
So how are you scattering these days? Time to let go and let the blessings flow!
God bless...Tom
Proverbs 11:24
24 There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
Money and the accumulation of things has consumed us hasn't it? Have you ever given money or something to someone who is in need and felt the blessing that it brings. I have found many times that giving away my time to someone in need blesses me more than it does the person I have helped! I believe that is what this verse is telling us this morning. Brothers and sisters when we scatter our time, money and resources to others who are in need we are promised a blessing of increase. I have even found this to be true in giving our tithe to the Lord. In my younger years I didn't think I could afford to tithe 10% but I found quickly that God takes care of those who are obiedient. It did not add up on paper but I always had enough to pay the bills. Look at the promise on the other side of the fence. If we don't give like we are suppose leads to poverty. It leads to poverty most importantly spiritually as God tells us to store our riches up in heaven and if we are not scattering as he advises then we are not storing anything up in heaven!!! Think about that!
So how are you scattering these days? Time to let go and let the blessings flow!
God bless...Tom
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Gracious Women, ruthless men
The book of proverbs always has amazed me in how it is put together. Manytimes I read it and have to take some time to think how the two verses go together. Here is today's verse:
Proverbs 11:16
16 A gracious woman retains honor,
But ruthless men retain riches.
My, my how times have changed for women....or have they? I am amazed at how ladies dress today...even for church!!! God has told us in His Word that ladies are to be modest...look at this verse:
1 Timothy 2:9
9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,
I wonder how many women daily without even realizing it cause men to lust by the way they dress. The world has even inflitrated godly young women by telling them they must flaunt what they got. How sad this reality has become. As God's word says here retain your honor ladies...for God, yourself, and your husbands both now or in the future. Of course you can lose your honor in other ways too but this is just one example that has grabbed a hold on women today.
The second part of this verse talks about ruthless men. Plenty of those to go around today. As I thought on this verse and how it was connected to the first part of this verse it came to my mind how many men are driven by two things....taking advantage of ungracious women and money. Many men are concerned with getting all the money they can and will do anything they can to get it. Then they use this money to satisfy the desires of their heart....which many times will be using women.
So here is the point today my friends...ladies be gracious and retain your honor! Keep your eyes focused on God and get in His Word and find the desires He has for your lives! Men our desire in life should not be riches and should be fullfilling God's will in our lives. We too should be in the Word finding what God has planned for us.
Pray my friends for a turning back to God's ways...not the worlds ways that seem to be sucking us in!
Proverbs 11:16
16 A gracious woman retains honor,
But ruthless men retain riches.
My, my how times have changed for women....or have they? I am amazed at how ladies dress today...even for church!!! God has told us in His Word that ladies are to be modest...look at this verse:
1 Timothy 2:9
9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,
I wonder how many women daily without even realizing it cause men to lust by the way they dress. The world has even inflitrated godly young women by telling them they must flaunt what they got. How sad this reality has become. As God's word says here retain your honor ladies...for God, yourself, and your husbands both now or in the future. Of course you can lose your honor in other ways too but this is just one example that has grabbed a hold on women today.
The second part of this verse talks about ruthless men. Plenty of those to go around today. As I thought on this verse and how it was connected to the first part of this verse it came to my mind how many men are driven by two things....taking advantage of ungracious women and money. Many men are concerned with getting all the money they can and will do anything they can to get it. Then they use this money to satisfy the desires of their heart....which many times will be using women.
So here is the point today my friends...ladies be gracious and retain your honor! Keep your eyes focused on God and get in His Word and find the desires He has for your lives! Men our desire in life should not be riches and should be fullfilling God's will in our lives. We too should be in the Word finding what God has planned for us.
Pray my friends for a turning back to God's ways...not the worlds ways that seem to be sucking us in!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Men and women of God!
This is a verse to think on:
Proverbs 11:14
14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
As I was reading this verse this morning it brought to mind this thought about the church: Without the counsel of men and women of God where would we be? Think about this morning of where we are in society today. Can you even begin to imagine society without the church? If we don't make some changes soon we may see or our kids may see a society without church.
In verse 14 it tells us without counsel, people fall. I believe God is telling us here we don't just need counsel, we need godly counsel. I hear many folks on T.V. give counsel that is not worth 2 cents. But when we can get counsel that comes from God's word...that is what makes a difference in peoples lives! The rest of verse 14 goes on to say when we have many counselors we have safety, This is where I see the importance of the church. This is where we find a multitude of counselors. Wow I think of my life since giving it to Christ and how many folks have poured into my life from several churches! Oh thank you Jesus for the multitude of counselors and for the safety in Jesus they have provided.
Do you see how society can be much more safe and in the arms of God IF we will follow the counsel of men and women of God in the church???
Thank a person who has given you some good counsel from God today....they made a difference in your life!
Proverbs 11:14
14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
As I was reading this verse this morning it brought to mind this thought about the church: Without the counsel of men and women of God where would we be? Think about this morning of where we are in society today. Can you even begin to imagine society without the church? If we don't make some changes soon we may see or our kids may see a society without church.
In verse 14 it tells us without counsel, people fall. I believe God is telling us here we don't just need counsel, we need godly counsel. I hear many folks on T.V. give counsel that is not worth 2 cents. But when we can get counsel that comes from God's word...that is what makes a difference in peoples lives! The rest of verse 14 goes on to say when we have many counselors we have safety, This is where I see the importance of the church. This is where we find a multitude of counselors. Wow I think of my life since giving it to Christ and how many folks have poured into my life from several churches! Oh thank you Jesus for the multitude of counselors and for the safety in Jesus they have provided.
Do you see how society can be much more safe and in the arms of God IF we will follow the counsel of men and women of God in the church???
Thank a person who has given you some good counsel from God today....they made a difference in your life!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Be fair!
Listen to God's Word this morning:
Proverbs 11:1
1 Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD,
But a just weight is His delight.
At first glance this morning it may be easy for us to say this verse doesn't really apply to me. But when we look closely at the verse it applies to all of us. The basic meaning of this verse it to be fair to all. During the time of when this verse was written, business deals were done by using scales. Some folks would have the scales rigged so that the weights were off to give them a better deal. God tells us here that He hates when we rip people off. He also tells us when we treat people fairly that He is delighted with us when we do so.
This verse we can apply to all areas of our life....treat people the way we want to be treated. Remember the Golden Rule??? So examine yourself this morning....are you being fair???
Have great weekend and worship the King!
Proverbs 11:1
1 Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD,
But a just weight is His delight.
At first glance this morning it may be easy for us to say this verse doesn't really apply to me. But when we look closely at the verse it applies to all of us. The basic meaning of this verse it to be fair to all. During the time of when this verse was written, business deals were done by using scales. Some folks would have the scales rigged so that the weights were off to give them a better deal. God tells us here that He hates when we rip people off. He also tells us when we treat people fairly that He is delighted with us when we do so.
This verse we can apply to all areas of our life....treat people the way we want to be treated. Remember the Golden Rule??? So examine yourself this morning....are you being fair???
Have great weekend and worship the King!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jesus is coming!
Ahhh! What a promise for the Christian today!
Proverbs 10:25
25 When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more,
But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.
Today's lesson pretty much speaks for itself as God's word usually does! One day soon Jesus is coming back to take back what it rightfully His! The church and the earth. To be a part of the church you must have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This ensures you that everlasting foundation spoken of here in this verse. If one chooses not to have this foundation than he will be a part of the wicked and will be no more apart of the Kingdom of God. Not only will Jesus take back His people but He will take back His creation to which we have done a good job of destroying over the years! Can you imagine what the New Earth will be like when Jesus is in control and the wicked will be no more???
A great Word from God this morning to dwell on through out your day!
Have a good one!
Proverbs 10:25
25 When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more,
But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.
Today's lesson pretty much speaks for itself as God's word usually does! One day soon Jesus is coming back to take back what it rightfully His! The church and the earth. To be a part of the church you must have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This ensures you that everlasting foundation spoken of here in this verse. If one chooses not to have this foundation than he will be a part of the wicked and will be no more apart of the Kingdom of God. Not only will Jesus take back His people but He will take back His creation to which we have done a good job of destroying over the years! Can you imagine what the New Earth will be like when Jesus is in control and the wicked will be no more???
A great Word from God this morning to dwell on through out your day!
Have a good one!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Need a whipping?
I am not sure why but the concept of getting whippings is even controversial among Christians. Read this verse:
Proverbs 10:13
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding,
But a rod is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding.
I am a firm believe in the Word of God. We have gotten ourselves in so much trouble these days because we think we are smarter than God. This verse above and there are others tell us that whippings are a part of the learning process. When we have understanding we become wise as the first part of the verse above tells us. For some it takes much punishment before they learn and for some it takes just a little. All this medicine we are giving our children for behavior problems is getting out of hand. Now let me say it may be needed for some but that is our first move now is give them some pills when a few whippings would take care of the problem. Even for grown folks, whippings might take care of some lack of understanding.
Once again as I said to start with I believe God's Word with all my heart and I am very aggrivated with the justifing man is doing with much of His Word when it is plain and simple to see.
Think about what God is sayng here this morning! I pray you have a good day today and share Jesus with someone!
God bless....Tom
Proverbs 10:13
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding,
But a rod is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding.
I am a firm believe in the Word of God. We have gotten ourselves in so much trouble these days because we think we are smarter than God. This verse above and there are others tell us that whippings are a part of the learning process. When we have understanding we become wise as the first part of the verse above tells us. For some it takes much punishment before they learn and for some it takes just a little. All this medicine we are giving our children for behavior problems is getting out of hand. Now let me say it may be needed for some but that is our first move now is give them some pills when a few whippings would take care of the problem. Even for grown folks, whippings might take care of some lack of understanding.
Once again as I said to start with I believe God's Word with all my heart and I am very aggrivated with the justifing man is doing with much of His Word when it is plain and simple to see.
Think about what God is sayng here this morning! I pray you have a good day today and share Jesus with someone!
God bless....Tom
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
We need each other!
The flooding here in my neck of the woods did some terrible damage. The need for help here is great. It is our duty to help. Read this verse below:
Galatians 5:13-14
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Everday we have choices to make. I thank God everyday that Jesus has set me free from my sins. But when He set me free He has also let me know that since He served me I am to serve others. So everyday how are we doing in serving others. As the verse above says do we use our liberty to serve ourselves(flesh)? Or do we through love serve others? In Middle Tennessee this flood has caused great need. As brothers and sisters in Christ it is our duty to get out and help not only other Christians but the lost too. It says so much about our faith to the lost when we show up and help them get back on thier feet. Read verse 14 again and ask yourself...if my house was flooded what would I do, or if I just lost everything what would I do? Then go and serve someone who has had that happen to them right now.
In the last three days I have seen the church in action the way it is suppose to be. Loving others by serving them. Folks we need each other! I see people taking vacation days to go serve someone who is need....imagine that!!! That is showing the love of Christ and serving others.
If you are serving...God bless you! If you are standing on the sideline please think carefully about this devotion. What would Jesus do?
P.S. I have heard too much of " my heart goes out to those people"! Don't feel sorry for them help them!
Galatians 5:13-14
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Everday we have choices to make. I thank God everyday that Jesus has set me free from my sins. But when He set me free He has also let me know that since He served me I am to serve others. So everyday how are we doing in serving others. As the verse above says do we use our liberty to serve ourselves(flesh)? Or do we through love serve others? In Middle Tennessee this flood has caused great need. As brothers and sisters in Christ it is our duty to get out and help not only other Christians but the lost too. It says so much about our faith to the lost when we show up and help them get back on thier feet. Read verse 14 again and ask yourself...if my house was flooded what would I do, or if I just lost everything what would I do? Then go and serve someone who has had that happen to them right now.
In the last three days I have seen the church in action the way it is suppose to be. Loving others by serving them. Folks we need each other! I see people taking vacation days to go serve someone who is need....imagine that!!! That is showing the love of Christ and serving others.
If you are serving...God bless you! If you are standing on the sideline please think carefully about this devotion. What would Jesus do?
P.S. I have heard too much of " my heart goes out to those people"! Don't feel sorry for them help them!
Monday, May 3, 2010
What a weekend we have had here in Middle Tennessee. Rain and flooding like we have never seen. The damage to houses, schools, roads, and loss of life is really beyond words. With all that said we can take comfort in these Words from God:
Genesis 9:15
15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
We must remember that our God is merciful and He loves us. The rain has stoped now and the water will start to receed. Please be in prayer for all those affect by the flood. There is much work to be done. If you were lucky enough not to be flooded get out and help someone in need. It will be a blessing to you and to whomever you help.
Stay safe and God bless....Tom
Genesis 9:15
15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
We must remember that our God is merciful and He loves us. The rain has stoped now and the water will start to receed. Please be in prayer for all those affect by the flood. There is much work to be done. If you were lucky enough not to be flooded get out and help someone in need. It will be a blessing to you and to whomever you help.
Stay safe and God bless....Tom
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