Return to the Word of God Part 7
In middle Tennessee we woke up to some more rain this morning. We are pretty well full to the brim here with water but we are praising God that we have come back from that 3 year drought we have been in. Thank you Jesus!
On to the devotion.
Yesterday we talked about how ignorant our nation really is these days about the Word of God because we don't read it therefore we don't even know what God expects from us. Today I want to look at something that a few folks have done to our nation while we as Christians have set back and let it happen and now are asking "How can this be?"
Separation of church and state. If one would take the time to go back and study the history of our nation and what our forefathers thought and tried to establish it is very simple to see that they DID NOT mean that our government was not to be under the guidance of God. What they did mean was that our government was not to run the church. My oh my have we allowed this to get way out of hand.
Let me share you a few of the original state charters:
Rhode Island 1683: "We submit ourselves, our lives, our estates unto the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and to all those perfect and most absolute laws given in His Holy Word."
Maryland: says it was "formed by a pious zeal to extend the Christian gospel."
Delaware was "formed for the further propagation of the Holy gospel."
Connecticut was there to "preserve the purity of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Wow...when I read these it really makes me think of what our nation was founded on....God's Word. I challenge you this morning to go back and due a little research of the how our nation was set up and by which principles we were to live by and tell me what you find.
You will find we were set up to be a Christian nation but you had the right to worship how ever you wanted if you even wanted. The majority of our nations first leaders made statements that we will crumble without God in our nation and leading out nation. I believe they were prophetic and did not even know it at the time.
Please, please, please do some research yourself....I want you to see it with your own eyes. I believe the evidence is easy to see....look around and see the blessings of past and of now what do you see?
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New King James Version)
14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land
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