Good Monday morning to all. I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend. On to the devotion.
My little girl has come up with shouting out "Peace". She has picked it up from some kids at church I believe but when she shouts it out it makes me laugh. As my good friend Barry Burkhead shared in his sermon last night this verse it made me think of her shouting this out. Here is the verse:
Colossians 3:15 (New King James Version)
15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
What an awesome verse to start the week out with. Does the peace of God rule in your heart this morning? I am not sure what kind of weekend you had but maybe it was far from being peaceful. We can not obtain this peace unless we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. People thses days and in days past seem to search for this peace in so many different ways and in so many different things. The problem is there is only one answer and only one way to get this peace...Jesus Christ. I can honsetly say since the day I accepted Christ I have a peace that is truly indescribable. Yes I still have turmoils in my life but when Jesus is there with you those struggles just aren't near as bad. Oh thank you Jesus for the peace you provide in our lives!
I also mthink this verse is talking about the church as it says "you were called in one body". God expects the church to be a peacful place to worship with brothers and sisters in Christ. I have been in some churches where this is not so and God is not happy with this I can promise you that. We are to be different than the world.... and if you have ever been at some businness meetings at some churches we are not being different and this needs to change!!! The church should be united. Yes we can disagree but we can disagree in love and respect for one another. I also have been in churches where peace abounds and there is such a sweet spirit in these churches...I think I know why!!!
Finally this verse says be thankful. Are you thankful? I am. Gohas blessed me way more than I deserve why I don't deserve another breath but He has given me one! Thank you Jeus for the peace you have provided, my family, my friends, my health, and I can go on for days but most of all my salvation!
Can you say the same???
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