Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lessons from Ecuador 2

This is the second greatest commandment as told by Jesus:

Matthew 22:39

39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

It seems we still problems with skin color in our society today. In the states it is not uncommon for us to have hard feelings against another citizen for simple reasons like they talk different, they dress different, their skin color, or because they go to the wrong school, and the list can go on and on. According to the Bible we are all created in God's image. Just in that simple fact it should make us want to love one another. Do you love others?

In Ecuador we were surrounded by folks who did not know us. Nor did we know them. They sent their kids to us for VBS and trusted us to take care of them. In return we taught their children about Jesus and loved them like they were our own. As they seen us working with their children it brought a trust and respect between us and the parents. By the end of the week, we had made some great new friendships and a love for each other that passed through a language barrier. Through the efforts of both us and the people of Ecuador we fullfilled this commandment the glory of God.

So what about here at home. Do you love others of all skin color and nationality? Have you formed your opinions on what the Bible teaches or have you based your opinions on what others have taught you? Give your love away and see what the result may be. Yes when you give your love away you risk being hurt but in reality all things worth while involve risk. That is what faith is all about isn't it?

God commands us to love really isn't a choice! Reach out my friends the rewards are amazing.


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