One of the things I noticed in Ecuador was everyone was in a hurry. Where they were in a hurry to get to I don't know. I wish I could explain the driving to you but I can't put in words good enough to get the point to you good enough. Cars, buses, motorcycles all weaving in and out. Blowing the horns. It did not seem like there were any rules. But what I kept asking myself was why are they in such a hurry and where are they going?
All this racing around brought to mind this verse:
2 Timothy 4:7
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Even here in the States we seem to be racing around too. The day always ends with the thought I wish I would have gotten so and so done today...I just didn't have enough time. In reality God has given us just the right amount of time each day to accomplish His Will!! One day in all of our lives, we will come to the end. The rat race will be over. Will we be able to say what Paul says above? Basically Paul is saying I have fought and given my life for you God. My time is up. I have stayed faithful. Honestly take a moment this morning and ask yourself if you can say the same. I know it is Monday and you have a million things to do BUT if they are not what God has planned for you today, you have wasted this day! I wonder how many of the Ecuadorians had serving Christ on their mind as they were buzzing around like a hive of bees? I also wonder how many of us have Christ on our minds and who we can serve through Him each day? God opens many doors each day....will we walk in?
I pray for each of us today that when life is over we can say the same as Paul! "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
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