This verse is very comforting to the Christian:
Proverbs 18:24
24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
The first part of this verse is just basic common sense. If one wants to have friends they must be friendly. No on wants to be friends with an old grump. So this morning if you find your self looking around and you don't seems to have many friends you may want to take a look in the mirror and see how friendly you are. Our attitudes will make a difference in the way folks view us.
The second part of this verse just warms my heat every time I hear it. Who is this friend who sticks closer than a brother? Jesus Christ of course. Jesus is ALWAYS there no matter what. He will never fail us. He loves us unconditionally. He died for our sins which shows us how much He cares for us. He is our best friend.
Wow when I think about that it brings a smile to my face. I told a young lady at school this morning who been depending on others to make her happy that people will always let you down but Jesus never will, so keep your eyes on Him!!! The one and only best friend.
Is Jesus you best friend? If you are counting on people you will be sadly disappointed!!!
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