I bet that statement will get some to thinking this morning and maybe even wanting to argue with me!!!! Now let me clear up what I am trying to say. When your children are at home, we are to be there parents not their best friend. There may come a time in life when when they are older and on their own that we become best friends but when they are growing up we are their parents. I have seen this become a big problem in families today. Parents treat their children like their best friend instead of their child thus discipline in not applied like it should be and it is obvious in the child's behavior and actions.
Here is today's verse:
Proverbs 19:18
18 Chasten your son while there is hope,
And do not set your heart on his destruction.
Here is the definition of chasten: to inflict suffering upon for purposes of moral improvement; chastise.
You see God makes it plain that we need to correct our children while they are teachable. That is while they are under our care at home. I think back to my childhood and the corrections I received...I thank God for them now! I didn't at the time but I do now and wish I had received a few more because I needed them! Why oh why is society running from clear teachings from the Bible about discipline and turn to some worldly doctor who will tell us the exact opposite of God??? Look what the rest of this proverb says....if we do not correct our children we set our heart on their destruction! That is exactly what is happening right now! We are destroying our children both morally and spiritually by having this mentality of being their best friend and not their parent and correcting them when needed!
Now I will be the first to tell you it hurts to spank or correct my child, but it is for their good. God tells me I must do this for my child and their well being and so I will. Some even say well you may go to jail for spanking your child today...I guess they will have to lock me up because I will obey God and I want my child too also as they grow up!
So think about this this morning....are you your child's best friend or their parent?
I will be in the woods tomorrow on my day off, so have a great weekend and worship the King!
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