Great verse for our young folks this morning!
Proverbs 20:11
11 Even a child is known by his deeds,
Whether what he does is pure and right.
I am not sure where the mind set came along that we can live wild in sin for a certain amount of time and then when we get older we will settle down and start living for God. God makes it pretty clear here that our reputation starts when we are children thus we need to be living for God when we are children. I have tried to teach our youth this takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and only one mistake to ruin it. In other words make wise choices! As parents, grandparents, family and friends we need to be in constant prayer for our children. They face more temptations than ever before and we need to do all we can to protect them in the hedge of prayer.
Let us be doing our part parents by being goo examples of the faith!
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