Men listen to this warning from God.
Proverbs 22:14
14 The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit;
He who is abhorred by the LORD will fall there.
If God is warning us of this then we can be certain it has been a problem for a long time. With that being said we live in a time now where immoral women are idolized by many. Stop and think of how many singers and actors pop into mind. When our young folks idolize these women they then want to be like them, oh how we must be in prayer and teaching our kids the Word of God. God warns us very clearly that these immoral women are a deep pit and we need to stay away from them! I am reminded of Joseph in the old testament. Potiphar's wife tried to lure Joseph into her bed and what did Joseph do? He ran!!! He got out of there. That is a good example for us. When tempted by an immoral woman run! Look at the second part of this verse as it is a Word for us men. If we fall in the trap we are abhorred by! Abhorred means to detest utterly. In other words God is extremely disgusted with those who fall in this pit!
So fellas let us pay close attention to the Word this morning and ladies you can also just turn this a little to apply to you for their are plenty of immoral men around too!
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