As you step out into another Monday, check out these verses:
Matthew 11:28-30
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
When is the last time you truly had rest? That is a great question isn't it? With all the craziness of our lives, children, work, church, and the list goes on and is hard to find rest! These verse give us the key to finding rest. Come to Jesus. Wow that sounds to easy doesn't it? But it is true. Jesus tells us straight forward..."Come to Me". When is the last time you turned everything over to Jesus. I mean truly just let go of everything and said "Here ya go Jesus it is in your hands now." Jesus tells us "for those who labor". You have a hard job? Have you turned it over to Jesus and worked for Him and not yourself? It will make a major difference if you do. What about heavy laden? Are you covered up with the pressures of life? Give them to Jesus it is amazing what weight Jesus can take off your shoulders. In verse 29 Jesus says "take His yolk and learn from Him". Jesus always went to the father and gained all His strength from Him....that made his yolk so much easier to carry and it will yours too!When we humble ourselves (lowly in heart) and treat others with compassion (gentle) it will give rest to our souls because then we are being Christlike! When we are Christlike we have a promise straight from Jesus....His yolk will be easy and His burdens will be light compared to the weight of the world!
What a great Word from God this morning....turn it over to Jesus and get some rest!
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