This will be my last reflection from Ecuador. God taught me so many things there. What I share today may be the one thing that has continued to keep coming back to mind. So here it is:
Have you ever wondered why you were chosen by God to live here in the USA while others were chosen to live in various other parts of the world? If you have never been to a different country this may be hard for you to understand. You still can think of pats of our country where folks are not as blessed as you. Why has God blessed me the way he has and others have to struggle so much? Now I am not rich by any my eyes anyway. BUT if you were task folks in other areas around the world they would say with out hesitation that I am rich. Have you ever thought about that? I have a great responsibility with the life God has blessed me with and so do you. God has blessed me so I can bless others. God is very clear in scripture that we are not to be hoarders of things and not to be putting our trust in things moths and rust can destroy. God has blessed us with the expectations that we will use those blessings to bless others in HIS name to bring HIM glory. Are you doing that???? Am I? In Ecuador we had three teachers that held a teaching clinic for teachers in Ecuador to encourage them and to give advice on how to be a better teacher. We could not believe the amount of teachers that showed up! It was a huge success and they want them to come back to share with them more! What really left a mark on me was we had gift bags for each teacher...simple stuff like erasers, pencils, pens, glue, markers, and calculators. Many who received these bags had tears running down their checks in appreciation. WOW! If we gave something like that away here at home.....well you know what the reaction would be!
God has put you where you are at for a reason. The question for each of us this morning is are we doing all God wants us to with blessings He has given to each of us....think very hard about it!
P.s. The picture is of the teacher gathering in Ecuador.
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