Have you ever felt like you were being watched? It is an awkward feeling isn't it. Well the truth be known you are being watched 24/7! By the heavenly Father. Check this verse out:
Proverbs 5:21
21 For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD,
and he ponders all his paths
I have started to read the book of Proverbs again and want to make it a habit of reading a chapter of proverbs everyday. It is so packed full of wisdom from God on how to live our lives to the fullest for Him! God makes it clear to us in this verse that our ways are before Him. We are never out of His sight! If we would remember that every second of everyday it would change the way we live. They way we talk, what we watch, how we treat others, how we work, everything would come into line with what God desires from us if we truly loved God and realized He is watching us. I want to please Him don't you?
The second thing this verse points out is God ponders (thinks about) our paths. Think about that for a moment. I believe the reason God thinks about our paths is because it shows where our hearts are. If we are taking the path of sin then we are far from Him but on the other hand if we are taking the path of truth and righteousness then we are seeking what He desires for us!
It is not really hard to figure out but it is hard to do! So this morning God is watching....what is he seeing in your heart?
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