Have you ever taken notice of how we rate some sin worse than others? God is a Holy, Righteous, God who hates all sin. As I was looking at this verse the Holy Spirit brought some insights I want to share this morning. Read these verses:
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
God's Word is clear here....those who practice sin will not inherit heaven(the Kingdom of God). In verse 9 the Word even gives us a warning...don't be deceived. I think it is safe to say that many are being deceived! Look at the list of sin closely. Now this is not a complete list of sins but it does cover many. Fornication is voluntary sex between two unmarried people. Common these days and accepted as ok in our society but not accepted by God. Idolatry is anything we worship besides God. This can be many things....sports teams, tv, our job, even our wife or kids if we put them before God! Again this is common practice today. Adultery is sex between someone who is married and somebody else who could also be married to someone else or not. Time and time again we see society practicing this and accepting it as ok....not to God! Homosexuality is sex between people of the same sex and God clearly states it here as sin and we tend to pick this one out as being worse than the others but remember to God sin is wrong no matter what we think. Sodomites are: those who practice anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex. Also included in this is bestiality. Thieves...those who steal. This also includes stealing from a employer by not working hours claimed. I have seen this many times myself! Covetous means wanting what others have. Did you know that was a sin? God has blessed each one of us and wants us to be content where he has us! Drunkards is next on the list and this is the one God really spoke to me about for some reason. How do we define what a drunkard is? I know what we picture in our own minds but is that what God has in His mind? Anytime one drinks and starts to get a buzz it is sin. God does not want us altering our minds.( Medical drugs are a different story). So I think how many folks drink one beer or one glass of wine and thats it? Not many that I know. That is the reason they drink to get that buzz. So from what I see I believe even a social drinker can be this drunkard the Lord is talking about. Revilers is next on the list, this is some one who speaks abusively. Not acts but just speaks it. Think on that our words to others can be sin! The finally is extortioners, this is some one who uses blackmail to gain favors. So we see here many things God says is sin and will not inherit heaven if not repented of!
Verse 11 is important to us. Paul tells his listeners "as such were some of you". This implies a change had taken place. In other words they had repented of their sin and were no longer practicing these sins. They were washed and sanctified by Jesus! Praise the Lord. We can be too all we have to do is ask! Have you my friend? Think about these Words from God this morning....comments are welcome!
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