As you can see above the bible says because we sin the wage of that fact is death. Because man disobeys God (sin) death is the result. As the tract teaches there are three types of death. Spiritual, physical, and eternal.
Physical death is easy for us to understand. All of us will die one day. We have seen that in others that we have known.
Spiritual death is separation from God which happens when we sin. This can be corrected as we will see later. God is Holy, Righteous and Just and can not dwell where sin is. So something must happen to sure our sin problem to be in heaven with God.
Eternal death is separation from God for eternity in hell. This can not be corrected if we die in our sin, with out Jesus Christ.
We see this illustrated well in the next picture:
The man on the one side represents all of us. The other side represents God in heaven. The man has a problem which is sin. Because of this is he will die physically, spiritually, and eternally. We have no way to God in this state, we can not get across the gap to God. At this point it is impossible.
Man has come up with ways they think will to get them to God. We will look at that in the next lesson.
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