Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Be who you say you are!
A brother in the ministry, Billy Lowe, taught this truth to our youth group at our Summer Camp this year..."Be who you say you are!". I want us all to stop for this moment and think....I call myself a follower of Jesus Christ, A Christian, do I live like it?
I am so tired of folks claiming to be a Christian but yet living in outright sin. It is destroying our faith! Everyday I see posts like "I love God", and the next thing they post is something that scripture says is sin!
Look at what scripture has to say about this:
Follow example of Jesus in your life every second of everyday!
Matthew 10:38
And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.
Luke 9:62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
A true follower knows Jesus voice and obeys and does not listen to the world.
John 10:4-5
4 And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. 5 Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.”
John 10:27
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
John 12:26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.Follow Jesus and it may be very costly. But He is worth it...are you willing?
1 Peter 2:20-22
20 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. 21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:
22 “Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth”;
Jesus was a servant to others, we are to be also.
John 13:14-16
14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. 16 Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.
Be a good example! Know your bible for it is the way you know what being a follower of Jesus is! It will correct you if you allow the Spirit to move in your life.
Hebrews 4:10-12
10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
11 Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
This sums it all up....sin vs. fruit. Which describes you more?
Galatians 5:19-2
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
Jesus wants us to be who we say we are. Walking the fence makes him sick so make a decision, Jesus or the devil!
Revelation 3:16
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
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