Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Well the next body part we are going to take a look at is the mouth! It can also be referred to in the bible as tongue and talk. This may hurt some of us! lol God is very clear though in that we are to give Him control of our mouths and be very careful in what comes out of them! So let's start this off with this verse:
Ephesians 4:29
29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
I would say this is a good summary of what God is expecting us to do with our mouths. I want all of us to think very hard about ourselves on this verse. Don't do as many do and think so and so needs to hear this verse! Let us look into our own hearts and evaluate ourselves. God's Word here tells us let NO corrupt talk come out of our mouths! Ouch! Gossip, running someone down that God created in His image, cussing, dirty jokes, sexually suggestive talk, slander, lies, and the list goes on. Remember the Word says no corrupt talk. So how are we doing on that? I think we can take it even a step further and say if God doesn't want it coming out of our mouths then He does not want it going in our ears if we have control over it! God is Holy and wants us to be Holy!
What does God want to come out of our mouths? Words that build up! Well thats pretty simple isn't it? I believe I need some work here because everything that comes out of my mouth does not build up! How about you. I think I have made some progress over the years but I have a long way to go! Does everything that comes out of our mouths build up? Wow just think about that for a bit.
God gives us so much grace and that is what He expects us to pass onto others. We are example setters to others don't forget that. Somebody is watching you especially if you clim to be a follower of Jesus or you are a a parent. Are you representing Jesus well? Does our talk want others to look into our faith or push them away? Let grace and mercy flow from our lips dear Lord to draw others to You!
God's Word has so much to say about our mouths! So let us soak it all in, and then apply it to our lives for the glory of the Father!
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