Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What you need to know about Islam #9

Remember jihad means a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs. 

If you look into history of Muhammad you find when he got to Medina in 622 AD many clans fought for favor from Muhammad. This included Jewish clans who covered to Islam as well as Islam clans. Anyone who got in the way of Islam was in danger. Poetry is a big part of Islam and there were some who used poetry to condemn Islam, can you guess what happened? You got it, killed. Beni Nadir clan which was a Jewish clan had a man who was the author of a condemning prom who name was Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf, he was killed by his own brother as persuader by an Islamic clan.

A rival clan wanted to keep Muhammad’s favor so they looked for someone else to kill that Muhammad did not like...Abbah Rafah Salam was the unlucky man, they killed him too.

Muhammad apparently liked this power and killing of anyone who said anything against Islam so he ordered a hit himself on a woman named Osama who used poetry to condemn Muhammad and his teachings. 

These murders were not received well in the Arab communities so Muhammad’s first cousin Ali ibn Abi Taleb defended Muhammad and his order to murder. He told the people that Allah had sent the angel Gabriel to Muhammad and commanded the Jewish poets death! He then wrote a poem himself to confirm this was Allah’s command!

So these three murders established a principle for Islam: Anyone who conflicts with, disagrees with, or does not support Muhammad and his teachings should be killed. 

If this is a principle, you see why jihad is a constant battle in Islam, and they will lie to you and tell you it is not from what we seen previously!

More principles tomorrow that shape Jihad.


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