Monday, March 14, 2016

Are you a tree of life to others?

God sure does have much to say about what comes out of out mouths in scripture. We had better listen closely!

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, But perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Proverbs 15:4

So what about your tongue? Does it bring life or does it break people down? Each day we have a choice on how to use our mouths. Stop for a moment and think about this. The first thing we tend to do if we are using our tongues in a negative way is look for excuses why. So who do we look to for our example? Jesus. Look at the ways he talked to people. Even those who were going to kill him. He told them truth in love. He remained calm in most situations. Do we do the same and love others no matter what is said. I always go back to the cross when Jesus was hanging there and He prayed for those who put Him there. That is the tree of life attitude we need to have!

So how about it? Do you give life with your tongue or do you take life with your tongue?


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