Tuesday, August 2, 2016

How well do you know the bible?

This is a subject for the follower of Christ we must often come back to in my opinion. For a moment think about how much you know in other areas of life....your job, your hobby, parenting, how to operate a cell phone, computers, and you fill in the blank with something you know much about. Now compare that with your knowledge of the God’s Word. How dod you do? I hope great but for the majority we would fail miserably!

Does that make sense to you? God has given us the very guide book of life but we don’t have the want to or the desire to learn it to the very best of our ability. Does it say something of our love for God? Read what JC Ryle had to say in the late 1800’s:

“There is an amazing ignorance of Scriptures among many, and a consequent lack of established, solid religion. In no other way can I account for the ease with which people are, like children, “tossed to and fro, and carried about by every wind of doctrine.” (Ephesians 4:14)

Lack of biblical knowledge opens the door for so much false teaching because we don’t know any better. It also opens the door for living our lives like the world which we are clearly taught not to do in the bible but again if we don’t know the bible how are we to avoid that??

So how much of the bible do you know? It is of the highest importance that you learn it to the best of your ability and do it starting now!!!

Think about this today! I pray God puts a burden in every one of us to learn the Word of God and have a love for the Word!


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