The world and especially the USA is doing this very thing often. Let us know the truths of God’s Word and not be fooled!!
Isaiah 5:20
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Abortion, drunkenness, homosexuality, lies, stealing, disrespecting others, and the list goes on and on. We take what God says is evil and wrong and say it is good and ok to do.
God demands us to submit to Him and His Word! We can choose not to but be warned judgement is coming.
Choose the truth of the Word and be set free in Christ Jesus and stand upon that truth not wavering to the right or to the left!
So true. I went to meeting at Church last and a big General Meeting of Bishops and Lay pastors is meeting in Feb. 2019 discussing the LGT... and it doesn't look good for God fearing members due to liberalization is in question. Our Minister is not going. It reminds me of our Government with the Liberals and Conservatives and those in the middle. So, so sad. We have two more meetings to get more information on this upcoming meeting. Pray for our Churches that we do not go along with this evil movement trying to take hold.