When ever a fire breaks out we yell Fire!!!! We automatically know to flee the area and help others get out as well. There is a fire coming…..Fire!!!
Revelation 20:15
15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
First make sure you are safe from the fire….do you have a personal relationship with Jesus the Savior of the world?
Second, help others be safe from the fire. Share the gospel. It is the only way of escape! Jesus came to this world because He loves us. We are all sinners headed fro the fire but He provided salvation through faith in Him. Trusting that His death, burial, and resurrection over came sin and death to provide salvation and a place in heaven forever. Thus safe from the fire!
So what about it? Are you safe? Are you helping others get to safety? Both are a must!
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