God has mad it clear He is real and you see Him everyday if you are looking for Him.
Romans 1:20
20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
A new born baby, a sunset, someone who have given their life to Jesus, breeze blowing the trees, a blooming flower, a thunder storm, and a billion other ways we see God. God loves us and makes Himself known to us. If one is looking for God they seem Him. I know I have and will continue until He calls me home.
Also remember....because God shows us Himself we are without excuse in following Him. God has even went to the point to give us a love letter by the bible to reveal Himself even more and tell us how to live the abundant life through His Son Jesus!!!! What more can God do???
Do you see God? You can....just open your eyes and look!