As we go through life it is easy to get overly focused on what is at hand at the moment. It may be a good time or it may be a bad time. We then tend to make judgements upon our whole life by what we are going through at the moment especially if it is a hard time. Look what God told Moses just before receiving the ten commandments:
Deuteronomy 4:9
9 “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children—
1. We must keep our souls diligently! Protect and nourish the things God has given us through salvation. Read the bible and pray. Keep our focus on God not the issue at hand.
2. Don't forget what God has done! We are a blessed people!!! God has brought us through so much and given us Jesus! Remember the past blessings of God knowing He will continue to see us through.
3. Pass on what God has shown us to our children. The world will not teach them about God and what He has done. It is our job to share how great God is to our children!!
So in the good and the bad remember what God has done!!! He loves us!
What a great time I am having, reading all these good messages sent out by God's disciples so that I can learn and rejoice in the Lord. I especially enjoy Leigh Ann's songs. Just keep on doing what God tells you to. With Christian Love Carl