So are you praying. It is probably safe to say most of us pray our 30 second prayer everyday thanking God for blessings and asking Him for something. But I am talking about deep prayer. Spending time with God, seeking His face. Praying for His Kingdom to come, souls to be saved, and revival to come. As a whole the this kind of praying is missing and so is the power of God in our lives. Prayers and the moving of God are linked in scripture and it still works like that today!
Jeremiah 33:3
3 ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
We must get back to prayer, only then will we see God move in a mighty way!
Oh Tom, if only more people would pray, read and know God is listening to us as well as the devil. Pray, Pray and Pray some more.