God works in mysterious ways. I posted my devotions that I write on a Christian Duck hunting forum a few years back. While doing that I met Dave from Minnesota. We had some discussions over the Word of God and since then have had hours upon hours of Bible study and discussion about the Bible, life, marriage, kids, ect. and have prayed for each other and many other things. He has become one of my best friends. We had said we hope to meet one day face to face on this side of heaven. Well he and his family made it happen. They came from Minnesota to Tenn on vacation and came to Halls Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church today to worship Jesus with us and then we went to lunch afterward. Then they continued on their vacation. Never under estimate what God can bring into your life when you are obedient to His leading! Who ever would have thought that posting a devotion on a Hunting forum would bring you a close brother in Christ??? Thanks Dave and family for the visit and thank you Lord for the blessing you have brought to me! May all of you be obedient to the Lord’s leading and reap His blessings as well!
“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
Proverbs 27:17
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