Well I got up again this morning and headed for the woods to listen for some gobblin turkey's....no luck there but I did have a deer walk up to about 15 yards. I want to encourage you to do something. If you are a hunter you do this often if you are not get up while it is still dark and grab a flashlight and maybe a cup of coffee and head to the woods. Not just the edge of the woods but get in there a little piece but make sure you don't get lost! Find a good stump or tree to lean against and have a seat. Relax and fellowship with God and listen and watch nature burst forth in life. If you never have done this you are missing one of God's greatest blessings....give it a try and then they to tell me there is no God!!!
Ok now for today's devotion.
LUKEWARM PEOPLE are continually concerned about playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of control. This focus on safe living keeps them from sacrificing and risking for God.
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command then to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be gentle and willing to share." 1 Tim. 6:17-18
"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can not kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matt. 10:28
Why do I try to control my life and keep a chain on how far I am willing to go to serve God? I have asked myself this over the years. I have done a little bit better in recent years but I stll have much room for improvement! I direct your attention to the Bible this morning. The one's who made a difference for the Kingdom of God are the one's who did not play it safe at all but risked it all and on many occasions risked even their life!!!! Wow! The devil has put fear into us and we accept it even though God has told us not to be afraid over and over for He is our Strength and Comfort and we can do all things through Christ our Lord and Savior. Can I ask you a question? Thanks for letting me..lol! When is the last time you took a risk for God??? One simple thing to take a risk on is sharing your faith with a neighbor or a friend. They might laugh at you or slam the door on you....chances are they won't though. You just might lead that person to Jesus! You might save that person from hell!!!! Wow is it worth the risk....you bet it is. One other question....When is the last time you gave up some of your valuable time to serve God? How about giving up part of your vacation this year to serve God on a mission trip??? Or to go down everyday to your local soup kitchen and serving there for a week and tell some homeless folks about the love of God! Now before you say now wait I only have six weeks of vacation and yada, yada, yada, think about who bought you with a price and who owns you and wants you to be full of good deeds...Jesus Christ. When you serve others in the name of Jesus I can promise you one thing....you will be more blessed the the one you serve....give it a try and then tell me I am wrong!!
God bless you my brothers and sisters......Tom
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