Ahhhh the refreshing sound of rain! God is blessing us here this morning with much needed rain! I have a thought for ya this morning. Sometimes I am very selfish when it rains and inter fears with some plans I have. Even though the farmer and we need to rain for the crops and food. Now if I am praying for it not to rain and the farmer is praying for it to rain who does God answer? Think on that for awhile!!
Now for today's lesson.
LUKEWARM PEOPLE feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America. Just as the prophets in the old testament warned Israel that they were not safe just because they lived in the land of Israel, so we are not safe just because we wear the label "Christian" or because some people persist in calling us a "Christian Nation."
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matt. 7:21
This is one of those subjects that God has laid near to my heart for a long time now. I believe the church in the U.S.A. is in great danger as a whole. We have watered down the gospel message of God so much that 85% of our nation thinks that they are Christians. I don't think we have to look very far to see that as a whole we are not a Christian nation any more. If 85% were Christians our nation would be VERY different. The Bible is very clear on how to become a Christian. Ask Jesus into your heart, turn from your sin's (repent), your are now a new creation and should be a different person, be baptized, now live your life for Him and tell others about Him. The church of today is full of people who say the are saved but their lives are not new from their old lifestyle.....do you know what that means??? They are not a Christian!!! Look at the verse above....WOW....I am afraid many will be turned away because they were never born again!! Billy Graham said this "If 5% of the church today is in heaven, I will have a smile on my face." Wow....do the math in your church! Not very many huh? Of course he was talking about the church as a whole but still this is serious business! Now don't get me wrong we can be secure in our relationship with Jesus but I am of the opinion that our lives will show it if we truly are saved by the grace of God. So what about my brothers and sisters are you right with God this morning?? No better time than the present than to give your life to Christ and follow the narrow way for it leads to the gates of heaven but be wary of the wide path for it leads to destruction!!
I love you all...Have a great day and praise, honor, and glory to the King of Kings...Jesus Christ.
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