Ask your self that question this morning. Many have described their life in many different ways over the years such as...a circus, a roller coaster full of ups and downs, a puzzle, a journey, a dance, and the list goes on and on. So again what would you say? How would you describe your life? How ever you describe your life it says alot about you. If your life is one big party then you are looking for fun in everything. If you see life as a race then you are looking for speed in everything. If it is a marathon then endurance is your thing. So what is it in your life? The Bible is clear on how we are to see our life look at this verse for today:
Romans 12:2
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
We don't need what the world thinks our life should be. We need what God says our life should be! How do we find what our life should be according to God??? Pretty simple in His Word. The Bible tells us every detail. So if we are not reading the Bible then we really don't have a clue. God also reveals to us through prayer. But if we are not in His Word then our prayers are very shallow and not nearly as effective because we are not obeying God by reading His word which He tells us to do! The Word renews our mind as the above verse says. It cuts and disects our lives so we know without a doubt what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Isn't that what we want in our lives???? What God wants...not what we want or what the world wants....WHAT GOD WANTS!
How we see our life is important right this very second. Because if our life is not in line with what God expects from us then we need to make some changes right now! Don't wait do it now. The longer we put it off the longer we lose blessings from above if we are Christians. If we have never asked Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives then it is even more important because we risk eternity in heaven! That is risking everything!
So how about this morning are you conforming to the world, or transforming to God? Something to ponder on today!
Have a great day. A good potion of the opening paragraph thoughts came from Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life which I am taking our youth through right now so I wanted to give Him the credit.
Share Jesus today!
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