Thursday, September 10, 2009


Good Thursday my friends. God has blessed us with another day use it wisely!! Here are today's them carefully!

Psalm 19:7-11

7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
8 The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold,
Yea, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them Your servant is warned,
And in keeping them there is great reward.

The word of God! So very important but yet most Christians treat it as an option in their life. For the Christian it is not an option it is the most important reading of their life. It must be a part of one's life everyday. How can one be a servant of God and not know what the Bible says? If we were to take a poll and see how many Christians have read their Bible from cover to cover I wonder what the percentage would be. I would guess not very high at all. Yesterday we talked about the glory of God revealed through His creation. Today we will see God reveals his glory through the Word and also shows us the importance of His word.

Verse 7 says God's word is perfect! Not much explanation needed there. Just like God His word is perfect. It also says it converts souls. The Bible cuts like a sword and reveals our sin to us thus we can confess our sins and accept Jesus as our Savior and be converted to perfection through the shed blood of Jesus Christ...that should want to make ya shout an Amen this morning! Verse 7 goes on to say God's word is sure as God being that is sure! The word makes the wise simple...this makes me think of all the men and women through history who have tried to disprove the Word of God but after much investigation come to the conclusion God's word is true...makes the wise become very simple.

Verse 8 tells us God's word is right and pure and causes us to rejoice. Oh how we need to get some excitement going about the Word of God. The more I read the more I get excited that one day Jesus is coming for those who love Him and accept Him. Oh what a day that will be! Verse 8 also says the Word enlightens the heart. That is the great thing about God's word it shows us what God wants us to know and do. The God of the universe gave us a guide book for that is love!!

Verse 9 tells us the fear of the Lord is clean and enduring and his judgements are right. We should have a reverant fear of God. This may be part of our problem these days that we really don't fear God...this is very dangerous because judgement day is coming. For those that are saved we will be judged on what we are doing for Him now that we are saved. For those who never accept Christ as Savior their judgement will be eternity in hell. Plain and simple.

Verse 10 says we are to desire God's Word more than gold and His Word is sweeter than honey. Think about where our desires are. Are they on God's Word or material things. For the nation as a whole that is pretty easy to determine. But ask yourself that this morning. It may reveal somethings to us that we need to change in our lives. God's Word is sweet but are we taking it in to find this out??

Then in verse 11 the Word tells us we are warned by the scritures and if we keep them as God instructs their is great reward!!! Everyone likes rewards well guess what follow the Word and rewards will be coming! Oh my friends if there is ever a time in history we need to be in God's word it is now. It is alive and relevant for every situation you face in life so get those noses into God's Word!!!

May God speak to you today...He will if you allow Him too!


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