Thursday, March 4, 2010

Be on guard!

This verse is the next to last verse in First Timothy. Paul is stressing a point very strongly to the young Timothy. A point we should also grasp very stongly. Here is the verse:

1 Timothy 6:20

20 O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—

The first thing we must look at in this verse is what what committed to Timothy's trust? The faith! The gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible. We also must guard our faith. It is my belief as a whole, Christians are not doing a very good job of guarding our faith. We are afraid to stand for what we believe in and as we have seen Christianity is slowly but surely being eroded away here in America. Paul was begging or pleading with Timothy to be on guard here. It is very important to guard what God has entrusted us with to share with others!

Paul goes on to tell us what the problem will be. CONTRADICTIONS! The pagans in this word believe they are so smart and have aquired more knowledge than God. That is why the world is living as they please and are sinning at an alarming rate and then saying it is ok. Even though God's Word plainly tells them that what they are doing is sin! Unfortunetly it has even infiltrated the church in that many churches are teaching contradictions to God's Word and people are accepting it as truth! Oh my brothers and sisters we must stand on the truth of God's word and guard the faith in which our dear Lord and Savior Jesus died.

So are you on guard for our faith this morning? Are you willing to stand up and defend it may be a better question. It really isn't an option my friends....God expects us too!

Pray for the church this morning...that we will be bold and strong in our faith. That we will stand on the truth and not be moved!


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