Monday, March 22, 2010

Using everyday conversation.

Last night at church I did an interesting lesson with the youth. I wanted to share it with you this morning and maybe make you think about your conversations that you have everyday. So here is what we did.

I started out by asking them how many have been watching the NCAA basketball tournament. Of course many raise their hands. Next I told them we will be talking about this tournament for several weeks to come. We also talk about many other things in a day with many different peoeple. Now what I asked them to do next was to find a way to use the discussiion of the tournament and turn it in a way to talk about Jesus. You should have seen the look on their face! haha I also said you have to come up with a verse to use with your discussion. Afetr a little moaning and groaning I gave them this example:

I said in our brackets we make many choices. We pick the teams we think have the best shot at winning. Now if I was witnessing to somepne I could say to them as we were discussing the choices we both had made in our brackets " did you know God has chosen us to be His people?"? I then would get my Bible out and show the person I was speaking to this verse:

1 Peter 2:9-10

9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

Now if I did not have my Bible with me I would need to have the verse memorized that I was going to use. I then would go on to explain the rest of this verse where God has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light and how we have obtained mercy from God through Jesus. Now depending on how this person reacted would depend on how the rest of the conversation would go.

Back to the youth. I was very suprised at how well each of them did. I had them work with a partner and some of them came up with some very unique ways of how to turn their conversation to Jesus and they used sccripture along with their conversation.

We all need to think on our conversations and how we can bring Jesus into our everyday talks. We waste alot of time on conversations that are of no value but how much time do we talk about the most important subject of all time...Jesus???

Maybe you need to try this little project is challenging but not as hard as you think. If you don't like basketball use something you enjoy talking about!

Have a great week friends and talk about Jesus!


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