My, my, my, God is always right on target isn't He? Check this verse out.
Proverbs 18:2
2 A fool has no delight in understanding,
But in expressing his own heart.
This so describes the world in its present state. It is all about me. This is in direct opposition to God's Word. God tells us to put others first. Why do we have such a hard time at doing this? I think God gives us a little insight to that question in this verse. A fool doesn't want to know the truth and does not want to understand what God wants. The fool only desires what is in his own heart. It is all about him! The fool has no problem with opening their mouth and making sure everyone knows exactly what he is thinking which is in opposition to God's word because God tells us speak carefully and only when needed.
So this morning let us examine ourselves. Am I concerned with myself only? Do I want to know God's ways or is it my way or the highway? Do you make sure everyone knows how you feel no matter what? If these describe you, there is a better way....God's way. So get in your Bible and learn the truth and the truth will set you free!
Have a great Monday!
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