I have found this to be true in my life...have you?
Proverbs 17:27
27 He who has knowledge spares his words,
And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
Many of whom I consider to be great godly men and women in my life I have found this characteristic in their life. They know when to talk and they know when to be quiet. Obviously if God is telling us we have knowledge to do so then we also need to develope this characteristic in our own lives! How many folks do you know that you would not hesitate to say that they talk to much? When we have this characteristic people will get to where they will not listen to what we say because we talk all the time...even when we do not know what we are talking about!
To go right along with the first part of this verse the second part fits right in line. All the folks who choose to spare their words also have a calm spirit. It has something to do with thinking before they speak! When they consider if a topic is worth time of discussion they can also decide if it will stir up emotions and then make a wise decision. Wow God is so amazing in His counsel to us. Do you see how all this fits together? Just like a good puzzle!
So take these words to heart on this Monday! Talk only when needed and it will help you stay in a calm Spirit!
God bless my friends!
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