We continue on in our study of Mark 6:1-6. As we seen the last time we were together the slamming of Jesus continues. Check out these verses:
Mark 6:3
3 Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.
Those that were listening to Jesus,( remember theses were his hometown people), continued to ask questions that were used to question Jesus and make accusations that what He was saying was not true. The first question in verse 3 was "Is this not the carpenter"? Carpentry was a decent job but for these folks it certainly was not the job a Messiah would have. The second question was "Is this the Son of Mary?" This was asked in the form of a put down. You see in the time of Jesus you were referred to as the son of the fathers name not the mother. Next question was "doesn't he have brothers?" Like any of us common folk. Can't you just hear the doubt in their voices? They also threw in the question "are not His sisters here also?" Then the key words that prove Jesus had no honor among His own people...."so they were offended at Him". That sounds so familiar with our country right now. How many are offended at the truths of Jesus? More and more everyday don't want to hear of or about Jesus.
Guess what Jesus told us in the Word that when we follow Him many will be offended but to not lose heart and stay faithful and proclaim the Word! Stay strong my brothers and sisters!
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