I shared this with the FCA group at Waverly this morning and wanted to share it with you also. Here is the verse:
Micah 6:8
8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
God tells us in this verse that He has shown us what is good. Where does God show us what is good? In His Word of course. This is again why it is so very important that we are reading His Word daily!!! In the beginning everything was good in the eyes of God...until the fall of man. Sin entered into the world and now very little is good. It takes work and the power of the Holy Spirit for man to be good in Christ. Christ only can make us good when we accept Him as Lord and Savior. In these next verses God reveals what He requires of us outside salvation to be good! First He says to do justly. Treat others fairly. That doesn't sound to hard does it? But it is. As humans we tend to treat some better and some worse than others but God says he wants us to treat folks justly or fairly or equally...How are you doing in this area? Second, God says to love mercy! Oh my...can you honestly say you love mercy? We love that God has mercy on us but do we have mercy on others? We are to apply the same mercy to others as God has shown us!!! This is very hard but can be done through the power of Christ! Thirdly, and the key to all of these requirements is to walk humbly with God. Are you walking with God this morning? Have you spent time with Him reading and praying? If we are truly walking with the Lord this morning all His requirements will fall right into place and will not be hard to do!!!!
After we receive Christ, God does expect us to meet His requirements. As the book of James says this work for the Lord proves our faith!
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