Think on the verse this morning:
1 Corinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.
We can accomplish many great things in life. We can say some great things to people in our life. All of this though is a waste if we do not have love in our motives. God makes it very clear in this verse that all of our efforts are just "noise" if we do not have love behind our motives. Where do we obtain this love? The only way we can truly love others is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. So many people we run across in our life are hard to get along with but when we have surrendered our lives to Christ we can love the unlovable with the help of the Holy Spirit. Let me also say there is a love for family and friends that folks have that can be done without a relationship with Jesus, we are born with that.
So this morning as we try to shine our light for Jesus let us ask we show love to others or are we just a "clanging symbol"????
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