235 years ago we gained our independence from Brittan. Today is our nations birthday and we have so much to be thankful for. So many have given their lives over the years to protect our freedoms and we need to remember those who are protecting our freedoms right now. I found it pretty sad to see on the news that only 53% of Americans can tell you what July 4th is celebrated for. The freedom we celebrate on this day is awesome but there is a freedom we can gain through Christ that is much more important. There is only one way to truly be free in this life and it is through Jesus Christ.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Jesus came to this earth leaving behind the glorious heaven to set us free from sin. The ONLY way to be set free and have eternity in heaven is through Jesus. Have you received that freedom from sin that Jesus offers? There is no better time than now! Life can not be lived to the fullest until you have Jesus as Lord of your life!
Free at last, free at last thank God almighty I am free at last!
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