Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Rate yourself!
I was doing some counseling yesterday and asked a few simple questions to the person about their time with God and leading their family. I was surprised at the answers and it is obvious why life isn't where it should be. Let me share the questions with you and you rate yourself....the key is to be honest in your answers.
1. On a scale of 1-100, what is your relationship with God right now.
2. How many times a week do you read your bible/have a devotion?
3. If you are married, how many times a week do you study/have a devotion with your spouse?
4. When is the last time you have a family dinner at home around the table?
5. Besides a food blessing, when is the last time you prayed?
6. If you are married, when is the last time you prayed together?
7. If you are married, when is the last time you had a date night?
8. List the top priorities in your life right now, what they are not what they should be!
9. What two things keep you from where God wants you if you had to name them?
10. Have you ever read the Bible all the way through?
Now think about these things. The one I was counseling is considered a strong Christian. But the answers to the questions showed major work needed to be done. Rarely was the bible being read. Church attendance was not a priority. Leading the family spiritually was not happening. Priorities were not in line. things were placed in front of God and family.Let me remind you about priorities....this is how God says they should be according to the bible:
1. God
2. Spouse
3. Children
4. Church
5. Others
6. Self
When we get these out of order which many of us do, we are headed for problems!!! It is amazing to me that followers of Jesus get so out of whack, including myself! Keep God on the throne and get ourselves off it!
One other thing that I have said before, a majority of Christians have never read the bible all the way through! Think about that. God has given us His Word, a guide book for life, and we don't take the time to read it and study it. This is crazy!!!! Read psalm 119! It shows importance of the Word. How can we live like God wants us too if we don't know what His Word says? It is impossible!
So how did you do on the little test? Only you can change the answers. Do it! The devil don't want you to, he likes you right where you are!
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