I just Got back from marrying my cousin Sara in Michigan. Sara along with her new husband Eric have waited for a long time for each (in their mid 30's) other but most importantly for God to show them who to marry. In today's society, we tend to think get married to who ever we think we want to and then if it don't work get a divorce and try again. Folks this is not so and we need to learn this is not pleasing to God! Look at this verse:
Mark 10:6-9
6 But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Can it be any more plain than that? First, we see male and female to be joined together. Not man and man or women and women. Do what God says not what man thinks is right! Second, we see they become one flesh. They are now united after marriage. Treat each other with love and respect as you would yourself because in marriage you become ONE! Third, we see the command from God....Don't separate what God had joined together! This is why it is so important to wait on God for the one he has for you! When we get ahead of God, things are not what they should be and hard times lie ahead!
Wait for God to lead you in marriage, it will be worth the wait!
It was such a pleasure to perform Eric and Sara's wedding as they have put God first in their lives. They even asked for me to present the gospel during the ceremony! Praise God! May God bless them and use them for His glory!
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