I love the book of James. It will beat you over the head but also keeps you on the right path if you will heed its teachings. Are you ready? Here we go for today's lesson!
James 1:27
27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
There are three points in this one verse to look at. Pure religion before God...wow just think about that for a moment before we jump into the points. I hope that is what we all desire before our God. Pretty deep when you think about it. Then we look at our first point....visit orphans. So I must ask my self when is the last time I have visited an orphan? I could make excuses and say well there arn't any around my area or I don't have time or whatever but the point is clear we are to visit orphans. There are plenty of orphan homes around if we want to find them. Why do you think it is important to visit orphans. I think it is very simple. To let them know they are loved and important and who better than us to share the love of God with them. The second point is visit widows. They are many times lonely and need help around their house. If they are some sort of home then they love getting visits. If you have ever went visiting a widower and seen their face light up when you take time to sit down and visit then their is no better explanation than that. When we visit we bless them but it has been my expirience that I am the one who receives the blessing!!! The verse says "in thier trouble". When you are an orphan or a widow lonlines is a trouble placed upon them and it is our job to help with that burden! The third point is keep yourslef unspotted from the wordl!!! Hmmm How do we do that? By obeying the Word of God plain and simple. His book is pretty clear on how to keep our lives lined up with what He desires from us. So read the Bible. If you haven't read the entire Bible I challenge you to do so. The most important book ever written why don't we know it better than we do???
So are you pure this morning? Look at thos e three points and then answer the question!
Pray for someone today!
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