Good Monday moring to everyone. I hope you had a blessed weekend and found time to praise the living God. Here is today's verse:
James 2:8
8 If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well;
This verse is so very simple but yet so very hard. Jesus told us out of His own mouth that this is the second greatest commandment with loving God with everything we have as the first. I was listening to a Christian radio station the other day and a woman called in and this was her question "How can we love others as ourselves when others are so hard to get along with?" There is a whole lot of truth to that isn't there? We pick those folks we get along with best to be our friends and we try to avoid those we don't get along with very well. According to James here though we fullfill the royal law by loving our neighbor as ourselves. Why is it a royal law? Because our King said it! Plain and simple. One of the problems I see today though is their are many people who really don't love themselves! That is where a relationship with Jesus comes in. When you have that relationship you know how much Jesus values you and others. He loves you so much He died for you! Now that proves His love. And because of that fact we should love our neighbors as ourselves because He died for them just as much as He died for you! I like the last part of verse 8 "you do well". It sounds as almost God knows some folks are hard to love! But it is a command from our Lord and this Kingdom is not a democracy it is a Monoarchy. I don't know about you but I am gonna follow my King!
Tell or show someone you love them just may change their life!
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