Wow this verse is one for most all of us to put into action in our daily life! Here it is:
James 1:26
26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.
Here is the question for us this morning. How many of us think we are pretty godly folks but we can not control what comes out of our mouths? We live in a society today where if you disagree with something then your are to voice your opinion and voice it strongly. It don't matter who you step all over just get your point across!! Well acording to what I read here, our faith is not of much use if we can not control our tongue. Matter of fact according to this verse it says if we can't our faith is useless!!! Let me give you an example that I have seen played out many times. The old ballpark. I have seen folks completly lose it over a bad call (or sometimes the call was right they just didn't like it) or their child drops a ball and they gt all over the child. Wow has that person just ruined his their witness and their religion at that point it is useless! Now we could go on and on with examples but I am pretty sure you can think of your own. Jesus is our example and he always spoke with love and compassion.
Self control is what our Lord expects from us...lets us make sure we are practicing that by controling our mouths!
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