I have started to read a book called "Forgotton God" by Francis Chan. It has really made me do some thinking about the Holy Spirit. So today we are going to venture into a new series of devotions on the Holy Spirit. Many of the thoughts will come from Chan's book and I will just comment and expand on it. So here we go!
As we go through these lesson's I want you to just forget what you have been taught over the years through your various churchs and Bible teachers. The reason I ask this is many times myself included we can be taught things that pertain to the Holy Spirit that really are not scriptural. So as I have been reading this book I am trying to let the Bible or God speak to me through the Word without man's opinions influencing me. By the way we should do this with the whole Bible not just parts on the Holy Spirit. So clear your mind and here is the thought for today:
How has the Holy Spirit changed your life? Honestly ponder this thought for a few moments. When others see you do they see you different from the world because you are indwelt with the Holy Spirit? Look at the change that took place in the disciples in Acts 4:13:
Acts 4:13
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
One thing I want to point out to you here. People marveled at there boldness. Where did this boldness come from? Not long before this they fled in fear as Jesus was arrested and crucified. It came when the Holy Spirit indwelt them at the day of pentecost a short time before this event mentioned in the verse above. So my question is this....Do you have a boldness to serve Jesus? From what I read that is one fo the things the Holy Spirit provides to us. Hmmmm think about that.
As we go through these devotions my prayer is that we will gain a fresh new perspective on the Holy Spirit and that we will realize the church has forgotten in many ways the workings of the Holy Spirit. So join me for this adventure and share it with others and ask them to join us. As always your comments are welcome!
God bless...Tom
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