Hebrews 4:12
12 For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
As I start today's lesson I want you to ask your self who is in control of your life? Now this is what I know from scripture. If you have accepted Christ you were bought with a price....that price was paid by Jesus on the cross for your sins. So if you are surrenedered fully to Christ He should be in control of your life through the Holy Spirit whom He sent to be your guide. So that brings us back to our original question who is in control of your life?
If the Spirit is in control do you let Him even control your learning of the scriptures? Now let me say there is definite place of teachers of the sciptures in our lives but I believe we sometimes over ride the Spirits promptings by what a teacher may have taught us. Listen to me carefully here. We have in the Christian community allowed teachings that are not scriptural to infiltrate us. That is why it is so important for us to let the Holy Spirit guide us in our Bilbe reading and studying. Read the scipture above and take a moment to think about it. A child of God reading and studying His word has benefits that those who have never surrendered their lives to Christ do not have. The guidance of the Holy Spirit. Promised to us by Jesus Christ Himself. I can tell you from personal expirience that when I read the Bible before I was saved it really was a bunch of jibberish in many areas but since being saved the Holy Spirit reveals things to me that I could not comprehend before. It is truly amazing. Now this brings me to another point. When you read read your Bible do you read with an open mind as to let the Spirit speak to you or do read with preconcieved ideas as taught by man? I admit this is very tough to answer. I try my best to read with an open mind. I have found that I don't agree 100% with any Pastor, Bible teacher, scholar, ect. Why? Because in certain areas the Holy Spirit has revealed to me a different interpetation of a scripture. That is letting the Holy Spirit guide me. Could I be wrong??? Yes. Could the other teacher be wrong??? Yes. Can there be a double meaning to the scripture??? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Could it be God had a something specific to say to me right at that moment...yes. There are many variables to this that is why it is so important that your are letting the Spirit guide you. Now let me say this if what you think the Spirit is saying to you does not line up with other teachings of scripture than you better question yourself. Is this the Spirit or is this me because God is not of confusion and He does not contradict himself!!
So who is guiding you...man?,...you?,....or the Holy Spirit? This is a tough question and I just scratched the surface. The church as a whole has been quenching the Spirit...it is time to stop doing this in our lives and let Him loose. We will be amazed at what happens I can promise you that!
God bless...Tom
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