Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I know someone who is you?

Here is the verse for today:

James 5:13

13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.

When I first read this I thought to myself..."People are suffering everywhere." Why are people suffering? The answer to this is broad. Some bring suffering on themselves by allowing sin to dominate their lives. Some don't take care of the bodies God has given them and thus suffer the consequences. Some suffer with disease that they have done nothing to get but have been overtaken by. There are many, many more reasons for suffering too. So what is the answer. God gives it to us right here. Pray. Wow is it really that simple??? Yes it is. God wants us to talk to Him about our suffering. I can say from my own expiriences in life that prayer has helped me in a way that nothing else can when I am suffering. My problem is though I want to try everything else to solve my suffering before I take it to God. Why do I do that to myself? Plain stupidity I would say! Just like any good parent God wants us to bring our pain and suffering to Him and He will console us like no other. Thank you God for listening to a sinner like me, I am forever greatful.

I like the second part of this verse too. Are we cheerful? We should be! God is sooooo good. If we are we should be singing psalms. Go read a few and look at some of the praises to God. It will teach you much as to how David and others praised God in good times and bad. The definition of a Psalm is a Spiritual song. You may even want to write your own Psalm and sing it to God. He loves it when we worship Him with honesty. Pour your heart out to Him. If you read the Psalms in the Bible they poor their hearts out to God even if they feel like God has left them they cry out to Him. Pure honesty. God can handle it. He can also handle your praises and adoration for Him. So sing away God loves to hear from His children!!!

Such a simple verse but so much to say! God loves you remember that!!!


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