What a night! I woke up at about 1:00 a.m. with my ears popping and hurting like crazy. So i went to the E.R. I haven't had ear problems since I was a little kid and I hope I never do again. Please pray for my ears that they will clear up quickly...thank you!
Now for today's devotion.
Exodus 20:17 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."
It always amazes me how God's word penned thousands of years ago is still so on target for today. Sure some of the things we covet now may not be our neighbor's donkey but coveting what others have is alive and prospering in our society today!
Have you ever noticed our children? When the latest toy or gadget or cell phone comes out they just have to have it. They tell us they are gonna die if they don't have one. Guess what, my child is still living. It must be a miracle from God!! Ha ha. The sad thing is that our children get this not only from their friends but from us their parents. We have taught our children and ourselves to covet and it has cost us dearly. Debt in our families is sky high and in most cases it is due to plain old coveting.
Have you ever thought about how we want everything right now and we want to keep up with our neighbors! For example not too long ago folks would save up their money and buy a small house. Then they would continue to save and as their family would grow they would buy a bigger house. Now sometimes they may have to borrow some money but it would not be a huge amount by the time they sold their house and had saved up some money. Now think to how we do it today. We get married and are fresh out of college and go looking at houses that are way past what we can truly afford. We have school loans and have not saved up any money. We buy that huge house just because of our greed and wanting to be like so and so. Now for the next 30 years we struggle with bills and many times as we buy more things we can't afford like fancy cars and we end up in bankruptcy. All because we covet what other people have.
Folks we need to lean to be content in what we have and can afford. One last thought....how many times was there something you just had to have? I mean your thoughts were on this thing all the time. The after you got it...3-6 months later you were not even using it anymore? I know I have.
Coveting stuff can quickly turn into some major sin in our life. So audit yourself this morning and see if we need to make some adjustments in this area!
Tell someone about Jesus today!
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