Sorry folks I am late with the devotion. I joined a friend of mine in west Tenn. for a turkey hunt today. It was awesome! We spooked a bunch of birds off the roost this morning first thing. After we sat down I had two hens fly down right to me at about 15 yards. I sure did try to grow some beards on those birds but it didn't work. We moved to another location and seen a Tom and 2 hens out in a field and put the stalk on them. My buddy gave a couple of yelps on the call and they came in right to us. He shot the Tom...9 inch beard, 1 1/2 inch spurs, 26 lbs. A very nice bird. Thank the Lord for a great day of hunting.
Now on to the devotion.
Exodus 20:16 "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
I find it very interesting that God wants us to protect people's reputations. In a day and time where even our brothers and sisters in Christ have a had time keeping from talking about other folks. I believe we can even take this further than false witness, but to gossiping period! Reguardless of if the gossip is true or false! Look at what Proverbs 11:13 says "A talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter." Basically means keeps ones mouth shut!
God also clarifies this even more in Romans 15:2 "Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification." Edification means building up! So if we are bearing false witness or gossiping about our neighbor are we building them up? I think the answer to that is pretty obvious. Also just to cover the part about neighbor. Neighbor is anybody we come in contact with in my opinion. Not just the person we live next door to.
As always we need to go our example and examine his life and conduct....Jesus. He did not lie about people and he did not gossip about people. Thus he has set the example for us. So as I look to this commandment I must confess I am nine for nine! I have broken them all so far. Showing me once again the need for a Savior. Thank God He provided me one by the name of Jesus!
Hope your day was as good as mine...God bless!
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