Good Monday to all. I had a great weekend. I took the youth and my 10 year old son, Eric to see a Christian rock concert. We had a blast praising the Lord! Skillet, Disciple, and Decyfer Down did an amazing job leading us in praising God through their music. It was awesome!
Well let's get on to the devotion for today.
Exodus 20:15 "You shall not steal."
I dare say this morning that at some point and time we have stolen something. Maybe as a kid it was some gum or some baseball cards. I remember a time in my life when I was a teenager their was a center for kids that had video games and pinball machines up the road from my house. Well I had used up all my money and my mom had given me all she was going to give me. So I started to steal change from my parents. Now as I look back on it I was pretty low down. I was breaking two commandments at once stealing and I certainly was not honoring my parents. I bet all of us can think of a time when we have stolen something.
If you are having a hard time coming up with anything there are some other areas we often don't think of as stealing but it is. For example taking extended breaks at work. At times I have been guilty as charged in this area. At most of my jobs breaks have designated times and I knowingly disobeyed, that is stealing from your employer. This next one is very hard for me to even say because I think we get stolen from by our government but that still doesn't keep us from paying our taxes as we are suppose too! Jesus said to "render unto Caesar what is Caesars". What about not reporting income. We can justify it in many different ways but when we try to justify it with God it just don't fly.
So as we all can see this morning if we examine this commandment stealing goes much further than the first thoughts that come to our mind. Again this morning I see God I have broken your commandment once again. I thank you Jesus for delivering me from the penalty of my sin. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus!
I love you all in the Lord...have a great Monday!
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