Good Thursday Morning everyone! Praise Jesus as it is another great day to be alive and serving the King!
Lets jump into the Word of God.
Today's commandment is something many do not even realize the seriousness of what they are doing and honestly it makes me cringe when I hear someone do it!!
Ex.20:7 says "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."
God pretty much gets straight to the point on this commandment!!! If you use His name without respect and awe, or basically carelessly you will reap what you have sown. I can not explain why but even when I was young and did not know the Lord it bothered me to hear someone use God's name as a cuss word. Now if I hear it I want to say something to that person or crawl under a table thinking the wrath of God may be coming!! Now let me be clear I have never seen God strike someone down on the spot for that but God makes it very clear of His displeasure of flippantly throwing around His name.
I heard a preacher several years ago even warn of saying things that even have the same nearness of using God's name in vain such as dog gone, Gee whiz, or dad blame. We all need to let the Holy Spirit guide us in this area I am not sure what I think about these other words but anything that would be a stumbling block to someone else we need to get rid of! The other day I heard my little girl keep saying Holy cow and I asked to stop saying Holy anything as it is not appropriate. I am not sure where she picked it up at but it is very hard to explain to a five year old why she can't say that. I told you that to say their are other names we need to be sure not to use in vain too such as Jesus, Lord, and the Holy Spirit.
My challenge for you today is listen today and see how many times either you or others use God's names in vain. It may startle when you realize just how much folks take God's names in vain, and if you have a bad habit of using His name's in vain there is no better time to work on stopping than now!
May God bless you today...Tom
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